Volunteers are valued members of our community and we sincerely appreciate your hard work and dedication on behalf of our children. Without volunteers, we would have a difficult time providing many of our extra programs. Giving of your time and talents adds so much to our school community. There is no job that is too small and no task that is too insignificant. May God bless you for all that you do for our children. Thank you!
Volunteer Activities and Descriptions
Parish International Festival: (October) This is a day-long event which includes games, raffles, cakewalks, food, and beverages. Volunteers are needed to obtain donations, run the games, sell tickets and assist with set up and clean up.
Santa’s Workshop: (first week of December) This event is designed to allow the children to shop for nice, inexpensive gifts ranging from .50 to $10.00. Volunteers are needed to set-up and decorate the shop, man the tables, and assist with cleaning up and repackaging of unsold items. This event takes place during school hours.
Christmas Program (“Cookies and Punch with Santa”) This social is a favorite which is held after our annual Christmas program. Volunteers are needed to set up tables, send home a flyer requesting donations of cookies and punch, and assist with clean up.
Spring Concert, Ice Cream Social and Achievement Fair (May) As a special treat for our children after their beautiful May Crowning and Rosary - the Achievement Fair and ice cream social is held in Msgr. LaVoy Hall. Volunteers are needed to help set-up, serve ice cream, and assist with cleanup.
Welcome Back Barbeque (September) This barbeque is our way to welcome back new and returning families after the summer vacation. Volunteers are needed to cook burgers and hot dogs, and to help with minimal cleanup.
Scrip: A program in which scrip (gift certificates) are sold with a percentage from each purchase going back to the school.
Health Program: During the year, volunteers are asked to assist with eye exams, hearing screenings, etc.. We are also in need of guest speakers to discuss health issues with students.
Uniform Exchange Program: This program which allows families to exchange donations of gently used uniforms. Volunteers are need to sort and fill exchange requests. The uniform exchange will take place at registration, during October, and in April (when there is the greatest need to purchase/obtain new uniforms).
Classroom/Extra-Curricular Assistance:
Room Parents: Special activities are a vital part of a child’s development and this is the room parents contribution to our children. Along with the teacher, you will plan activities that are suitable for classroom parties and assist the teacher with special activities and field trips. Room parents are also in charge of setting up and displaying items for the Achievement Fair, and planning for the school picnic at the end of the year. In addition, Room Parents in 1st Grade help the Kindergarten parents prepare for the Kindergarten Graduation; and the 7th Grade Room Parents are responsible for planning/decorating the 8th Grade Graduation luncheon. At the beginning of each school year, the classroom teacher will be given a list of parents who have volunteered as room parents. The teacher will then choose two (or more) parents to serve as “Co-Room Parents.” These room parents will work with the rest of the volunteers throughout the school year.
Field Trip Chaperones: Each class will need chaperones for field trips. You will need to complete all of the necessary Diocesan forms for each class field trip.
Coaching: For those interested in assisting our Athletic Director with sports/coaching including: softball, soccer, volleyball, and basketball. There are additional one-day events including: swimming, tennis, golf, and table tennis.
Science Fair Judging: Volunteers with a science background are needed to help with setting up and judging science fair projects - under the supervision of our Middle School Science Teacher. An interest in science and the ability to judge projects on their own merits is all that is necessary. This is a one day event (during the month of February).
Forensics: Volunteers are needed to work with 7th and 8th Grade students who are preparing to compete in the annual Catholic schools speech/dramatization tournament. Categories include: poetry, duets, oral interpretation, and monologues.
St. Francis de Sales ... Catch The Spirit!